
GOP should forget Trump, hit Biden, Democrats on the issues

Memo to the GOP: Stop talking obsessively about Donald Trump, right now.

You’re falling into your enemies’ trap. 

For an entire week — and surely for many more days to come — the national conversation has been only about one man, Donald Trump.

That’s exactly how the Dems want it.

Tuesday it was revealed a trans activist bared her breasts on the White House lawn after taking a selfie with President Joe Biden — which, to a lot of people, would have been enough to turn off many voters from voting for the Dem nominee next year.

But instead Republicans were forced into not-very-convincing rhetorical and legal contortions about the circus unfolding in a Florida court.

Don’t Republicans get it yet?

Dems, the institutions that support them and their media allies want everyone to talk about nothing but Trump.

Donald Trump
It’s glaringly obvious Dems want Trump as the GOP nominee, and will do anything to make damn sure he is.

With legal troubles on multiple fronts, they’ve ensured there’s a regular diary of court dates to make him the center of attention all the way to the election.

And he thinks that’s just dandy, too.

Biden and the Dems have no record to run on and are desperate to throw up a fog to obscure the multitudinous failures, mishaps, challenges and deficiencies of their administration and its doddery front man.

It’s glaringly obvious Dems want Trump as the GOP nominee, and will do anything to make damn sure he is.

He’s their best bet to drive moderate voters into choosing Biden as a lesser evil.

Meanwhile, making him the face of the Republican Party boosts Democrats all the way down the ballot.

It’s why Dems won the White House and the Senate in the 2020 elections, and the red wave never materialized in last year’s midterms.

The 2024 race should be a referendum on the incumbent, with Republicans promising a return to normalcy and prosperity from Biden’s disasters and their ongoing consequences.

As a reminder, here are the issues Republicans should be hammering instead of falling down into the Alice-in-Wonderland Trump Trap: 

  • Biden economic policy sent inflation through the roof via drunken-sailor spending on Democratic special interests. Yes, inflation has cooled to “only” 4% (though still 5.3%, aside from more volatile food and energy), but at the cost of brutal interest rates likely to trigger recession. Bidenomics has brought Americans 26 straight months of falling real earnings (and counting); Republicans can show they know how to turn that around. (DeSantis, for one, can point out that his state is booming.)
  • Joe opened up the border from Day 1, junking all limits on illegal immigration. As a result, millions of illegal migrants have poured in, and Bidenites’ only idea for “stopping” the tide is to legalize it. The crisis is crushing border towns, loading up cities as far from the border as New York with unbearable costs and also letting fentanyl flood in to kill our kids and ravage society nationwide. Voters need to know that Republicans can and will shut the madness down.
  • Biden’s war on domestic energy adds more pocketbook pain and has kneecapped the nation’s once-thrumming exploration and extraction efforts, leaving us needlessly dependent on foreign oil and gas (much of it controlled by our enemies). Republicans should point out that power produced here is vital to keeping the lights on and factories humming. Even when it comes to reducing global emissions, US generation is far cleaner than China’s vast and still-growing coal plants.
  • From the president on down, Democrats push radical woke ideology on race and gender into public schools (weaponizing the FBI against parents who object) and federal agencies across the board. Is it any wonder the armed forces massively miss their recruiting targets when the Pentagon’s focused on lunacy like a drag-queen digital ambassador from the US Navy?
  • Biden’s foreign policy has blown up our traditional alliances in the Mideast and while bending to China, even letting Beijing’s spy balloons gander at sensitive US sites. Biden refuses to take the steps needed to win the Ukraine war and even to make the case for why defeating Putin’s aggression is essential. 

On the issues that matter to everyday Americans, Dems are losing.

Rose Montoya
On Tuesday, it was revealed a trans activist bared her breasts on the White House lawn after taking a selfie with President Joe Biden.

Heck, most of their own voters want some alternative to a president growing visibly more feeble and confused by the day.

That’s why every moment Republicans spend distracted by Trump’s dramas and obsessions is a massive gift to Biden and his enablers. 

So, dear GOP, look forward not back.

Otherwise, you won’t see the hole in front of you.

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