A new breed of electric motorcycles is born.!
There are few moments when our mind is truly clear, and pure awareness enters,
riding provides one of them.

Leaf Energy Inc, an innovative electric motorcycles start-up that specialises in green eco-friendly mobility are introducing a fresh breed of e-Moped bikes as well as high performance motorbikes to the U.S. market, REO.

The bikes are powered by clean energy, built to last, and designed to inspire. It is coming to represent a range of values and ideas, from technical innovations to art and design, to Intelligence and respect for the environment.

What’s extremely conveinent about this bike is the ease of rechargng it, you can recharge it anywhere portably, just place the nattery on the base charger and you’re goo to go, AMAZING! The bike features several futuristic design elements to achieve an aesthetic that looks perfectly suited for the streets of tomorrow. The motor is manufactured by Bosch and the battery is Lithium-Ion high performance that can charge up to 2000 times.

The bike maintains a sleek, functional design that almost has a science fiction-inspired look thanks to its receded seating section that looks like a Light Cycle from the sci-fi film Tron, which further enhances the otherworldly design of the transportation solution.

We are in love with this bike because it transports us beyond physical places, and it delivers a bold statement” Mobility of tomorrow Should be sustainably beautiful today”.